Introducing Spotlight Author Jan Sikes!

Greetings! It is my pleasure to share my blog today with the June 2018 Rave Reviews Book Club Spotlight Author. Jan Sikes is not just a fellow author, she is somebody that I am honored to call my friend! Take it away, Jan…


 The second book in the series was, without a doubt, the hardest to write. This book required extensive research and countless hours spent poring over letters and writings from Rick’s hand. I wanted to get it “right.” And, since I wasn’t personally present for the majority of the prison scenes, I had to rely on stories he’d told me and writings he left behind.

I even called Leavenworth Prison and spoke to the Social Director to confirm some facts about the recording studio Rick built inside.

The other challenge was bouncing back-and-forth between Luke in Prison in Kansas and Darlina in Texas. Keeping the timeline straight brought about more than one re-write.

But, the end result is a book I am proud of, that has garnered thirty-four Five-Star reviews.


Here is the back cover blurb:


Award-winning Biographical/Fiction sequel to Flowers and Stone. Luke and Darlina find their love severely tested as they struggle to overcome enormous odds.

When Texas veteran musician, Luke Stone, finds himself behind bars with a seventy-five-year sentence, he is filled with hate, anger, and rebelliousness. He’s lost everything that he treasures, including the woman who holds his heart.

How has it come down to this? He’s spent his entire life writing songs and making music, filling dance halls and bars from Texas to California. But, when he refuses to tell the FBI what he knows about certain bank robberies that he possesses knowledge of, they make sure he pays dearly.

Broken and alone, in a prison of her own, Darlina Flowers struggles to find a way to live without the man she loves so completely.

Over the next sixteen years, Luke and Darlina each search for ways to somehow survive the fate life has hurled them into.

In an effort to dull the pain of living with only half a heart, Darlina gets involved in drugs, then follows a guru and tries different relationships, but nothing fills the void.

Several years pass before Luke makes up his mind that prison will not break him. He crawls up from the bottom one tiny step at a time, determined to be and do something worthwhile and discovers artistic talents he never realized he had.

The Convict and the Rose inspires hope and shows how anyone can turn a negative dark situation into a positive one. But more importantly, the story portrays a love that goes beyond earthly confines and proves how persistence and faith come with their own sweet reward.

Join Luke and Darlina as they continue their epic journey with love as their constant North Star and freedom as the driving force.










Thank you for taking this RRBC SPOTLIGHT AUTHOR tour with me! See you at the next stop.


39 thoughts on “Introducing Spotlight Author Jan Sikes!

  1. jhawker1969

    Just arrived…puff, puff. Had to run over from D.L. Finn’s place. Jan’s blog tour is keepin’ me busier than a little dog in tall oats, as Billy Battles would say. Thanks for hosting Jan, Beem. Looking forward to hosting my Aspire to Inspire Pard tomorrow–even though I kinda jumped the gun a bit today. Hasta mañana!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. marethabotha2013

    Thank you so much for hosting Jan, Beem. I’m slightly behind getting to all the blog hops but I’ve enjoyed reading this one. I found it so profound that there are people in this world who show such loyalty and devotion to each other, despite enormous odds. Thanks for sharing your book with us, Jan. I hope you have a fabulous month in the SPOT!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. marethabotha2013

    Thanks for hosting exciting author Jan Sikes, today, Beem! I’ve already bought and begun to read FLOWERS AND STONE – such an awesome, catching title and play on words – the main characters’ names. Sorry I’m somewhat late for the tour, but I know you’ll have a fabulous month in the spotlight!

    Liked by 1 person


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