Monthly Archives: November 2015

Introducing Spotlight Author Michael P. King

A hearty congratulations to Michael P. King, Rave Reviews Book Club’s Spotlight Author. Enjoy an excerpt from Michael’s latest release The Traveling Man


Excerpt from The Traveling Man:


Tom stepped out of the Escalade with a nine-millimeter pistol down at his side. “Don’t be overdramatic, Bernie. Nobody’s life is going to be ruined. Unless you don’t let go of her.”

Bernie dropped his arms. His comb-over had fallen down in his face. He raked it back into place. “You’re a despicable bastard.”

“But I keep my word. We paid you to perform a service. You stick to your end, you’ll come out okay.” He turned to Patty. “You all right?”

“He didn’t hurt me.” Patty put the blackmail DVD back in her shoulder bag. “It’s not personal, Bernie. We’ve got no reason to hurt you if you don’t hurt us.”

“I deserve more money.”

Tom put the pistol into the waistband at the back of his pants. “I get it. You thought you’d get some more cash and another fuck or two before everything was done. Now you found out you’ve been out-negotiated and your feelings are hurt.” He shrugged. “You’re just going to have to get over it.”

“The DVD?”

“When we leave town, we’ll erase the original and smash the copies. We sure don’t want to attract any attention to this deal.”

“Goddamn bullshit.”

“Give us the copy of the environmental report and file the original. We’ll do everything we can to get out of town as soon as possible.”

Bernie went back to his truck. When he opened the door, the light came on inside. Tom and Patty watched him reach down into the floor.

Tom pulled the pistol back out of his waistband. “You come out of that truck with anything other than the report, you’re going in the lake.”

Bernie turned toward them with a fat file folder in his hand. “You’re crazy, you know that? Point that gun away. I’m a family man. I don’t want to get in no gunfight.”

Tom held the gun down along his leg. Patty took the file from Bernie. “I just don’t believe in taking chances,” Tom said. “That’s the most important thing you want to remember about me.”



To learn more about Michael P. King, or to purchase The Traveling Man, please visit:



Amazon Author Page:

Twitter handle:



A Spaded Journey (Guest Author Post)

Hello, dear readers. It is my pleasure to once again share my blog with another incredibly talented writer. This guest should be familiar to all who read this blog. Please give a warm welcome to the poet Queen of Spade.

Take it away, Queenie…

Greetings Beem! Thanks for allowing me to pull up a chair on your lovely blog. Since you are fan of stories, I’d like to tell you a story about a journey—“A Spaded Journey”.


It was many moons ago—more moons that I can count, when a younger version of me was networking about. I was full of optimism, overflowing to the brim, with a willingness to help people, no matter what circles they were in.

It was during my time in a few poetry clubs that my burning cigarette of helpfulness got dimmed, then snubbed. Too many egos got in the way of cooperation. Other people became upset because one wonderful idea was not their creation.



You see, way before there was Truths, I gave birth to Branches—where all types of poets came together from different land expanses. When other administrators discovered the news, they threw salt on the audio rendition of the project, leaving the participants disappointed and primarily confused.


The betrayal upset me so much that when the 1st Spaded Truths finally came to fruition, I confess to not giving it much needed attention. My passion was in the wastebasket. My marketing mojo was in a rut. Little by little, I made myself scarce then chiding, “When it comes to networking, I’ve decided to give up.”

Year after year went by, yet I continued to write. When it came to showcasing the talent, those words failed to see the light. One day, I revisited a portfolio with poems of old. For closure’s sake, an exception was made and the end result was Reflections of Soul.



As popularity gained for “Reflections”, I was back in the spotlight—this time, each action saturated with a sprinkle of fright. In the beginning, I couldn’t help but get flashbacks of the past … where I was helpful to a fault, but my efforts bit me in the ass.

However, little by little, I lowered my shield, feeling more comfort each and every day. I was making lots of discoveries—I still had so much talent to put on display.



That is when I made an executive decision, for the presentation of the 1st Spaded Truths would not have even received honorable mention. The inner content needed structure; the cover concept lacked maturity. In December 2013, the 1st Spaded Truths was re-launched, one that better matched my poetic glory.

I never composed “Themes and Proclamations” with the intention of there being more. I was just thankful a better Truths was published that myself and others could adore. Yet, over the span of a few months, I was writing lots of lines—none which fit any subjects I was writing about at the time.


One night I tossed and turned—the mental repetition of a phrase prompted me to wake. Those five words simmered: Truth has no expiration date. After much meditation, I suddenly knew … the lines that were manifesting belonged to Spaded Truths 2. It wouldn’t be like the 1st production, just an awareness of maladies that causes the human condition’s “Life-O-Suction”.


So, as everyone waits patiently for the new book to debut, I bid everyone who has read this tale, “Adieu.”


Introducing RRBC Spotlight Author S.M. Spencer

It’s that time again, dear readers. RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB has introduced the newest member to receive the Spotlight Author honor. This time it’s S. M. Spencer, author of the Absent Shadows Trilogy. My blog is your blog, Sandy…

Q & A Bog #8 – S M Spencer


S M Spencer – author DESTINY, Absent Shadows Trilogy Book One

Destiny with AIA and IB cropped


  1. How do you handle writer’s block?

I don’t think I get writer’s block. I tend to write in spurts, but if I’m not in the mood to write, I don’t let it get to me—I just do other things. This is one of the greatest things about being a self-published author; I only have one boss to report to, and she’s pretty relaxed about me going out to ride my horse, or doing whatever else takes my fancy.

  1. Do you have a soundtrack to your book?

No … do you think Hans Zimmer might be interested in doing one for me? I pretty much love every one of his soundtracks.

  1. Who is your favourite author?

I don’t have just one. It depends on the mood I’m in at the time. Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Mary Stewart, Daphne Du Maurier, JRR Tolkien and John Lescroart are some of my favourites, but there are a lot of others too.

  1. What made you decide to become a writer?

When I finished Daphne Du Maurier’s Frenchman’s Creek, I couldn’t get the story and characters out of my head for the longest time. Years later, I went to Cornwall, and found what I thought could have been the setting for the book. There I relived those pages once again. I had so much respect for the author’s ability to create something that had such a lasting effect on me that I wanted to do the same thing.

  1. Do you have a favourite book?

I tend to have a new favourite every time I finish a good one. For example, for a while my favourite was The Glade, by a fellow indieBRAG Medallion honoree, Harmony Kent. But this changed as soon as I read the next really good book. My favourties have included such classics as Gone with the Wind, The House at Pooh Corner, Something Wicked This Way Comes and of course, the Harry Potter series.

S M Spencer’s first series is called Absent Shadows Trilogy. To find out more about the series, and obtain free samples of each of the books, visit Amazon:


You can also follow her on Facebook at:  for advice about upcoming promotions as well as updates on the books she’s currently working on.

Sacrifice with indieBRAG






Greetings once again, dear readers. One of the true pleasures I find in doing this blog lies in the opportunity to introduce both new and established indie authors to you. Allow me direct your attention to the talented John W. Howell, author of the newly released novel His Revenge. But enough from me, this moment belongs to Mr. Howell. So take it away, John…


This is the second day of the 4Wills Publishing “His Revenge” Launch Weekend Blog Tour. Again I would like to thank 4Wills Publishing for setting up the tour and my host for having me here today.

His Revenge front final

The purpose of the tour is to introduce you to my latest book His Revenge. It is the second John J Cannon story and continues John’s wish to bring the terrorist Matt Jacobs to justice. In the first book, My GRL John was able to thwart the plot to destroy the Annapolis midshipmen on their summer cruise. Of course, terrorists being what they are not content with just one try to embarrass America. In His Revenge, Matt Jacobs takes his hatred for America and John Cannon to another level.

His Revenge is available now on Amazon and KDP Select

Today John Cannon has agreed to an interview. To give you a little idea of John’s background here is some information about him.

John Cannon is a lawyer from San Francisco who decides to take a leave of absence from the firm to pursue his passion which is to become a charter boat captain. He has taken up residence in a small South Texas coastal fishing village. Since his arrival, John has been entwined in terrorist schemes to destroy symbols of America’s greatness. In the book My GRL he bought a boat of the same name only to see her used as a weapon. His latest story His Revenge has John once again pitted against those who are out to harm America and to kill him. John is not a superhero and does his best to cope with situations over which he has little control.

Me: “So John we are happy to have you on the tour.”

John: “Believe me it’s nice to be able to sit down and have a conversation. You sure this room is secure?”

Me; “Yes quite. Your comment brings up the first question. Why are these terrorists constantly after you?”

John: “I believe they want to use me for their own ends. There was a time I was kidnaped and used to potentially blow up the Annapolis midshipmen.”

Me: “Why you, though?”

John: “For one thing their leader has come to hate me for spoiling their plans.”

Me:”Their leader? You know who this person is?”

John: “I am not at liberty to comment on that specific question. There is an ongoing investigation and I have been told not to comment on any aspects of the case.”

Me: “Spoken like a true lawyer.”

John: “What?”

Me: “Oh nothing. So you feel in danger?”

John: “Well let’s see. I’ve been left unconscious next to the dead woman who sold me my boat, drugged, kidnaped, tied up, and caught in an explosion. I guess I would say I feel I’m in danger.”

Me: “Wow. You lived through all of that?”

John: “Yes I did and that was just in the first book My GRL.”

Me: “So what happens in the second book His Revenge?”

John: “I would like to say nothing, but that wouldn’t be the truth.”

Me: “And not good for sales John.”

John: “Oh yeah (laughs) sales. Not my job. Anyway, the head of the terrorists believes he can use me as a spokesperson for his twisted propaganda to disrupt the confidence in the President and to add uncertainty in the oil market.”

Me: “How would they ever get you to help them?”

John: “There are many ways to get someone to co-operate including threatening innocent lives if you don’t do as they ask.”

Me: “Did you?”

John: “Did I what?”

Me: “Co-operate?”

John: “It wasn’t in my nature, but you’ll have to read the book to find out for yourself.”

Me: “What’s next for John Cannon?”

John: “I would like to say I’m going to Disneyland but I know our boss has another adventure ready to go and it will be out in mid-2016. The title is Our Justice and should be pretty good as well.”

Me: “Thanks for joining us today John.”

John: “It was nice. Thank you. Maybe next time we could share a cup of coffee.”

About John W. Howell

John Howell photo

John’s main interests are reading and writing. He turned to writing as a full-time occupation after an extensive career in business. John writes fictional short stories and novels as well as a blog at John lives on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of south Texas with his wife and spoiled rescue pets. He can be reached at his e-mail, Facebook or Twitter at @HowellWave

My GRL_johnwhowell

My GRL is available on Amazon and wherever e-books are sold

If you are interested in a tour or other services to support your writing contact 4Wills Publishing