Monthly Archives: February 2015

Marquee Monday – Beem Weeks

Thank you for your kind support, Bethany!

The Marquee Project

“…one of the best books I’ve read this year, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

“An absolute gem…”

“…it is astonishingly well written.”

“I rarely give 5 stars unless I really love the book – there’s nothing you can’t love in this one.”

Reviews like these would be expected to accompany a New York Times bestseller. Author Beem Weeks is one of those indie authors who proves that good stuff comes from indie. In fact, sometimes the best stuff comes from indie. In this case, all of those reviews are for Beem’s Jazz Baby.

Not only is he an amazing indie author, he is an amazing supporter of indie authors. Today, he’s on the marquee. I hope you’ll help me give a little bit back to this awesome indie author who proves that independent doesn’t mean fewer skills or less talent. But in Beem’s case, it does mean…

View original post 17 more words

Delectable Things: Special Edition, Book Release



Today in celebration of Valentine’s Day, the All Authors Family is coming together to present you with the Official Book Release of …



Here is a little bit about this work.


Satisfy your appetite for spicy sensuality and provocative plots with these dishes of erotica.

Main Course: Delectable Things

Sabrina can’t believe her ears. The man she’s been fawning over for far too long now has completely turned on her, leaving her with nothing. Sabrina decides it’s time to get up and get away.

Taking a long over due trip far away from her bane, things steam up really quickly and Sabrina discovers all of the Delectable Things that life has to offer.

Dessert #1: Simmer Sweet

It is said that confession is good for the soul. Does it still ring true when circumstances are complicated? Kesha has finally come clean. She has let Teresa know about her feelings. The only drawback is Teresa’s engagement to Chris. Teresa is forced to make a choice between Chris and Kesha. The fallout will be nothing less than a fire of simmer sweet.

Dessert #2: Handy

Darbi has had her share of bad luck. She is unexpectedly in job purgatory and has no chance of ever getting a promotion. Her online dating profile sat months without any responses. Why should she continue?

As she signed on to delete everything entirely, three responses catch her eye. All are different but each has something about them which makes Darbi want to meet all three. Ade appears to be the guy next door. Boyde looks like a supermodel. Choise looks like the rugged type.

When all is not what it seems, Darbi has concluded that her love life is mating with her job status in purgatory. Will anything come in handy to turn her luck around?


Why read Delectable Things: Special Edition?

There are a variety of reasons why, but we’ll focus on just three of them.


Author Synful Desire is a proud representative of the LGBT community. As so she eloquently and honestly puts it, she writes “Literature for unorthodox romantic situations.


There is nothing about Synful Desire’s approach to erotica that says “Slam, bam, thank you ma’am“, she writes her stories with depth of character and intensity of plot. There is a realness to her contemporary fiction that brings the reader in and envelopes their psyches. The erotic aspect is just a plus.


Once you’ve read Author Synful Desire’s work, you’ve immediately become a fan—LGBT or otherwise. She writes erotica for the masses, and her approach is unparalleled. It is a well balanced mixture of literary elegance and in vogue indulgence.


So, why wait any further? Go pick up your copy of Delectable Things: Special Edition today and read it until your sinful desire has been quenched.


Change Never Changes

Change is inevitable, as the old saying goes. We cannot pause a moment in time and relive it whenever we feel nostalgic. Time marches forward without our consent, changing people and places and lives.


I recently wrote a blog article in which I discussed finding a 1965 telephone directory at a garage sale. This simple book, a time capsule brimming with memories long forgotten, is a perfect example of change. A perusal of the Yellow Pages recalls long-lost restaurants that once populated my home town before the flood of fast food joints overtook the city. Discovering that an infamous adult book shop had once been a neighborhood grocery store proves change isn’t necessarily a positive advance.

Phone Book Pic

As interesting as those Yellow Pages are, they don’t compare to the residential pages. There, on those White Pages, are the names, addresses, and phone numbers of human beings no longer among the living. I found my grandfather listed as living at a house that has long-ago been demolished. My parents, married just two years in 1965, were 19 years old when this phone book came into existence in March of that year. They’d had one child at that point—my older brother—but were on the verge of welcoming my sister into the fold a month later. My grandparents have all passed on, as has my father. These are changes every person must eventually face.

Change happens every minute of every day, often taking place without much notice. Nobody goes to bed a young person and wakes up old. It might seem that’s the case, but the human body begins aging from the moment of conception. We marvel at how quickly our children grow up. But growing up is actually growing old. The cells in our bodies are in a constant state of change; cells die and cells are replaced in a continual process. In other words: People change every moment we live.

I once watched a documentary on the band Pink Floyd. The program focused on the making of their album Wish You Were Here. Band members told the story of a strange visitor who had appeared at the studio one afternoon. This pudgy, balding man with trousers pulled up to nearly his chest just stood around, as if looking for something or somebody. Questions were whispered as to who this might be. Finally, after nearly half an hour, the realization struck each member. This odd, balloon-shaped fellow was Syd Barrett, a founding member of Pink Floyd. In fact, Syd had been the creative force that guided the band in its early years. Too many LSD trips had rendered the man mentally unfit to continue leading the group, so he was summarily dismissed six years prior to this meeting.


The talk amongst band members centered on how much Syd had changed. Last time they saw the man, he’d been thin and wiry, with a head full of hair. Tears were shed over the starkness of Syd’s changed appearance. The irony in all this is that the band had just recorded the song “Shine On You Crazy Diamond,” which is about how much they missed Syd Barrett, and here he was, standing there in the studio with them, completely unrecognizable. They’d missed Syd—just not this changed version of him. When Syd finally left, he didn’t have a ride. He waited out front of Abbey Road Studios for quite a while. As band members began leaving, one member slumped down in the front seat of the car in which he was riding, to avoid being seen by Mr. Barrett.


Change doesn’t always have to be physical, either. In my younger years I enjoyed going to a local rock and roll club. I could be found at the Silver Dollar Saloon on any given night back in the 1980s. It was the height of the reign of hair metal. Hair bands played live on the club’s stage. I loved being there with my girlfriend and those friends I’d went to school with, drinking cheap pitchers of beer and dollar shots of tequila until closing time. I remember thinking—and probably saying out loud—that I would always hang out at the Sleazy D—the nickname attached to the club. I’d never grow too old or too uncool to fit in with that crowd.


Then change came. The club switched to country music in the 1990s, and eventually closed its doors for good somewhere around 2004. The building met the wrecking ball a few years back. A new apartment complex for foreign students attending Michigan State University now occupies that parcel of land.

The thing is, even if the club had remained, serving up great metal music and tasty alcoholic beverages, I would not have continued as a club patron. Why? Because I’ve changed. For starters, I no longer drink alcohol. And I no longer enjoy those wild nights on the town. I’ve become that old, uncool guy who’d rather stay at home, read a book, watch a little TV, and go to bed early. Partying until two or three in the morning just doesn’t appeal to me the way it did to my twenty-something self.

Even those bands I used to listen to at the club were victimized by change. Hair metal met its fate in the early 1990s, when bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam unleashed grunge music on the world. I’ve found videos on YouTube of some of those bands that regularly played at The Silver Dollar Saloon. These are recent videos capturing reunion shows. Change has left its mark all over those bands. Skinny guys and girls are now, well, let’s just say they’re plump. Plump is much friendlier than using that f-word (fat). Hair bands? Not anymore. Bald or thinning would adequately describe many of these former rock and roll heroes. Fingers aren’t as nimble on those guitars; vocals can’t quite reach those high notes that once impressed audiences.

The wrecking ball is a common theme where change leaves its mark. Two houses I lived in as a child no longer stand. One caught fire and had to be brought down. The other fell victim to another family’s ideas for change. The land was purchased, the house destroyed, and a new one erected—though not on that exact spot.

Much of the grand old buildings in the downtown area of my city have fallen to the wrecking ball. When Lansing found itself with a new minor league baseball team, a stadium had to be built. Buildings that had stood for over a hundred years were force to make way for change. Knapp’s Department Store, once the jewel of downtown shopping, is now an office complex with rental apartments occupying the top floors.

The Oldsmobile factories that once provided a living to thousands of middle class families all over the area are now vacant fields of overgrown weeds. The wrecking ball caught them, as well. Same goes for those subsidiaries of General Motors: the Fisher Body plant that once occupied multiple blocks in a local neighborhood is gone. That once-prosperous neighborhood is a shell of what it had been. Stores, restaurants, and bars that catered to employees of the plant are mostly empty buildings with boarded-up windows marked by graffiti.


Oldsmobile, and its parent General Motors, once kept the city alive. In my family, my parents, grandfathers, aunts and uncles, they all drew paychecks from the auto factories. Even my great-uncles owned a business that chrome-plated the bumpers and door handles on every Oldsmobile produced for decades. Change took all that away.

Certainly places change. But so do people. It’s this sort of change that often drives divorce rates through the ceiling. A couple may marry when they’re young and in love, only to realize that just maybe it really wasn’t love that brought them together. They grow apart, becoming strangers to one another. It’s change at work. Feelings change—even if we don’t want them to. It’s just as easy for a person to fall out of love with somebody as it is to fall in love. Once upon a time in America, divorce simply wasn’t an option. Couples married and remained that way until death—regardless of how they felt about one another. My grandmother once said that while she loved my grandfather, she was not in love with the man—probably had never been, either. But they remained married for over fifty years, ending with Granddad’s death in 1989.

Society has changed its ideas of what is acceptable and what is not. Divorce at one time carried a stigma. Nobody wanted to be that person, the one who failed at something as personal as your own marriage. But nowadays, we think nothing of marriages lasting a few years or less. The reasons for splitting are varied, though mostly foolish. Families break apart, lives become fractured and left scarred.

Where we’d once been a somewhat religious nation, we now bow to atheist groups who seek to push God out of the public conscience. Anybody with eyes and a TV can see the results of this change. Respect for one another has all but disappeared. Personal opinions that differ from the politically correct are not tolerated. Human life no longer retains the value it once held. Not before the mid-1990s had we seen the mass shootings that seem to be reported almost weekly on the evening news. Some blame easy access to guns as the reason for these heinous crimes. But guns have always been readily available to Americans—with fewer and less restrictive laws in the past—yet we never witnessed the mass murders of school children until recently. What changed?


Cell phones are an amazing change. So small, these devices fit in our pockets and go wherever we take them. We can push a button and communicate with anybody in the world. We can surf the net, check our e-mail, post on Facebook, and send a tweet while vacationing in the Amazon Rain Forest. The trade-off? We no longer write letters. Neither do we socialize face to face the way we once did. People today often have their noses buried in their smart phones. Friends come to visit and spend a good deal of the time on their phones. Next time you’re in a restaurant, look around at your fellow diners. You’ll most likely see tables where there are three or four friends eating or waiting on their food. But rather than talking to the person in front of them, they’ve got their phone out, fingers furiously tapping a text to somebody not at that table.

As you can see, change takes many shapes and forms. Change can be amazing and mind-blowing. It can be humbling to witness. Change can make life easy or it can rip a life to shreds and walk away. Change is the one constant you can count on in this world. Change does what it will. Change will never need our approval.



DOG BONE SOUP by Bette A. Stevens: A Fresh Slice of “The American Pie”

DBS Slice of American Pie

DOG BONE SOUP is not only the title of Bette A. Stevens’s debut novel; it ranks high among the paltry meals that the book’s protagonist, Shawn Daniels, wants to forget. Plodding through mounting snow and battling howling winds, Shawn is ready to leave it all behind—living in poverty, Dad’s drinking, life in foster care, the divorce, the bullies….

Travel with Shawn Daniels through the guts and the glories of life. You’ll find them all in DOG BONE SOUP, a Boomer’s coming-of-age saga. Available now at “YOUR AMAZON”

From the Reviewers

“Dog Bone Soup is the poignant tale of a dysfunctional family struggling to survive in America in the 50s and 60s, when most others were on the crest of a wave. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry. But most of all it will make you glad you read it.” ~ Charlie Bray, founder of the Indietribe

“In Dog Bone Soup, Bette Stevens captures the feeling and images of growing up in hardscrabble times perfectly.” ~ John Clark, librarian and author


READ Chapter One on Bette’s Blog (if you haven’t already);
and, here’s an EXCERPT from Chapter Two:

DOG BONE SOUP BW Border 2015Chapter 2

WILLIE FINALLY CURLED himself up in a corner near the wood stove, sobbing to Pandy. That stuffed bear was his favorite and it was nearly as big as Willie. I went over and put my arms around them.

“Mum’s coming back for us,” I whispered and I rocked them until Willie fell asleep.

That night, Dad took us boys up to Uncle Hiram’s. The house had electric lights that turned on and off with chains. It even had a flush so you didn’t have to pee in a pot at night. There were lots of rooms, too.

Jamie and Seth had been coming over to our house most every day. Mum tried to get them to learn their A-B-Cs when she was teaching me, but they didn’t want a thing to do with learning. Soon as they’d start fussin’ and cussin’, Mum would tell them to get along home before she washed their mouths out with soap. They’d stick out their tongues and make all kinds of mean looking faces. When Mum got up, they’d take off like a shot, slick as those greased pigs at the fair.

Jamie and Seth had their own room with separate beds. The night we got there, Seth slipped in with Jamie while Willie and I slept together in Seth’s bed. No one came in to kiss us goodnight or listen to our prayers.

“Dear, Lord, please bring Mum home,” I whispered to God as I pulled up the covers and tried to tuck them in like Mum would have done.

A few days later, I hid myself under Seth’s bed soon as Willie followed the boys out to pitch rocks at the chickens. Seth and Jamie were always fighting and saying mean things about Mum. Willie liked to follow the boys around. He’d laugh and poke sticks back at them. He was just a little guy and looked up to those big kids.

I fell asleep under the bed hugging a blanket and didn’t wake up until I heard Dad’s and Uncle Hiram’s boots thumping up the front steps.

“You’ve got to do something about those damned boys, Eddy,” Aunt Hilda said. “I’ve got troubles enough keepin’ up with my own.”

“Listen here, this is Friday night,” Uncle Hiram told Dad. “If I were in your boots, I’d get my sorry ass down to the dance hall and find myself a good woman. One who ain’t high and mighty. One who knows how to have a good time. One who knows how to take care of a man.”

“Don’t worry, Hi-ree. I’ll have the boys out of Hilda’s hair soon as I can, but I’ll have to take time off Monday to get things worked out. I know you need me in the woods with ya, but first things first.”

Dad always called Uncle Hiram “Hi-ree.” Mum said it wasn’t proper English. Dad said it was a nickname. That night, Dad didn’t tell us any stories about him and Uncle Hiram working in the woods like he usually did.

Monday morning after breakfast, Dad packed Willie and me into the Plymouth and took us down to Lebanon. He held onto our hands as the three of us climbed up the steps of a brick building to meet a lady named Mrs. McNair.

Mrs. McNair’s gray hair was pinned up on top of her tiny head and she had huge black eye glasses hanging from a braided string around her neck. They dangled in front of us when she bent down to meet us. “Hum-m-m-m. Why, hello, boys,” she said as she sort of smiled, first at Willie, then at me before she shook her head and checked us over from head to toe.

“This nice lady is going to find a real fine place for you boys to stay for a while,” Dad told us. “Now, you boys be good. Soon as I find me a real job, I’ll get Mum and Annie home. We’ll all be a family again. You’ll see.”

“Now, now, Mr. Daniels. Don’t go making promises to the children that you can’t keep. If you plan to get the boys back, you’re going to have to pay the state for the time they spend in foster care.”

“Don’t you worry about that,” Dad told her.

Dad gave us big hugs and even kissed us before he left. That’s the only time I remember him doing that.

Mrs. McNair took us to a room with a little wooden table that had kid-size chairs around it. There were books, papers and crayons on the table. In the corner, there was a basket filled with toys. Willie headed straight for the trucks and cars and I sat at the table drawing for a while. I drew a picture of Mum. Then I drew one of Mum and me fishing at the brook. I drew one of Mum and Dad and us boys picking blackberries. Annie was sleeping on a blanket and we were all smiling.

Then, I spotted those books. That’s when I wished I could read. Mum said I’d be reading in no time. I sure wished it was no time. I picked up a book with Goldilocks and the Three Bears on the cover and pretended to read it. Mum read us stories every day, so I knew how to pretend read from the pictures.

When Mrs. McNair came back, she told us she had found us a very proper family. “You boys must be on our best behavior. I’ll be stopping by every now and then to see how you’re coming along.”

Mrs. McNair walked us over to a big white house. She opened a fence gate and we walked up to the house. Mum would have loved it. There were flowers everywhere.

Mrs. McNair knocked on the door.

“This is Mrs. Cross,” she told us when a lady opened the door.

“Why come right in. This must be Shawn and Willie.” Mrs. Cross smiled and patted our heads. “I hope you like it here.”

“Oh, I’m sure they’ll love it,” Mrs. McNair professed as she patted our heads too.

“The Cross family has an impeccable reputation. Mrs. Cross is one of our finest foster care mothers,” she patted our heads again before she left Willie and me standing there.

I didn’t want any mother except Mum.

### end of excerpt

About the author

BAS Author logo stamp 2015Inspired by nature and human nature, author Bette A. Stevens is a retired elementary and middle school teacher, a wife, mother of two and grandmother of five. Stevens lives in Central Maine with her husband on their 37-acre farmstead where she enjoys writing, gardening, walking and reveling in the beauty of nature. She advocates for children and families, for childhood literacy and for the conservation of monarch butterflies (milkweed is the only plant that monarch caterpillars will eat).

Bette A. Stevens is the author of award-winning picture book AMAZING MATILDA; home/school resource, The Tangram Zoo and Word Puzzles Too!; and PURE TRASH, the short story prequel to DOG BONE SOUP.

Find out more about the author and her books right here on “YOUR AMAZON”

Lady Novel Series Celebrates Ten Years with E-book Giveaway

Author Mark Allen North Celebrates Ten Years of Lady Trilogy Novels with Worldwide Multi-date E-book Giveaway


Publisher Fresh Ink Group (FIG) and Author-member Mark Allen North proudly
announce the 10th anniversary of Leigh West’s journey of spiritual self-discovery
in the Alaskan wilderness. The popular Lady Trilogy series includes Courageous Lady, Intrepid Lady, and Valiant Lady available in trade-paper editions and all popular e-book formats. FIG and Mr. North are partnering to offer the first installment e-book, Courageous Lady, at no charge exclusively through on March 4–8, 2015.


Auburn-haired beauty Leigh West travels Alaska’s majestic and mysterious Tongass National Forest in search of self-discovery and harmony with nature. She chronicles all she learns from native Tlingit tribesmen, the cunning wolves and belligerent brown bears, and the transforming seasons of the region’s glorious landscape. Book #1, Courageous Lady, shows how through Native American spirituality she sparks new passion within herself, a new appreciation for the physical world, and a life filled with love.


In Intrepid Lady, she chronicles becoming the spiritual wife of Chi Mukwa (Big Bear) and guardian of two Tlingit teens. Valiant Lady concludes Leigh’s odyssey of self-fulfillment with such challenges as marriage and adoption, fighting fire, and promoting the environment with its transforming seasons and glorious landscape.


Novelist Stephen Geez notes that since Lady’s inception, the last ten years have seen a surge in women’s literature exploring themes of reconnecting with the physical and spiritual worlds, of discovering a new script for how to live one’s “second act,” of learning how approaching “middle age” can signal new opportunities. Geez adds, “Mark Allen North illustrates his keen understanding of human nature from the point-of-view of a determined woman who finds new ways to pay attention to herself by seeing the world
through new eyes.” Both literary yet straightforward in its gentle narrative, the Lady Series speaks for women and men of all ages in its series of thoughtfully entertaining adventure tales.


Mark Allen North is a retired educator, aerospace engineer, industrialist, and Michigan native who previously published mainly in the field of human-factors design. His memoir, Past—Time Present and his own studies of Native American spirituality led to the Lady Trilogy.


Published by Fresh Ink Group, Courageous Lady (ISBN: 978-1-936442-12-6) at $16.95 (e-book $8.90); Intrepid Lady (ISBN: 978-1-936442-13-3) at $13.50 (e-book $7.70); and Valiant Lady (ISBN: 978-1-936442-14-0) at $12.90 (e-book $7.20) are available worldwide in print and e-book formats.


Fresh Ink Group is a multi-media publisher and collective of authors, artists, and content experts who work together to help enhance, produce, and promote each other’s best work. Contact Fresh Ink Group at (817) 488-1448; info{at)FreshInkGroup(dot)com; or P.O. Box 525, Roanoke, TX 76262. Follow Mr. North on Fresh Ink Group’s Twitter feed, #MarkAllenNorth, #LadyTrilogy.
* * *

Have You Discovered Sneak Peek?

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Greetings, dear readers. Since you all clearly enjoy the written word, I want to share with you a new web site. It’s called Sneak Peek. This site allows those searching for their next book the opportunity to read samples from a selection authored by some of the best indie writers in the market. The site is free and easy to navigate. Stop by and have a look around as Sneak Peek begins its ascent to the summit of the indie book world.

Follow Sneak Peek on

A Delectable Cover Reveal

Cover Reveal

Not many literary morsels can compare to the tasty treat that is “Delectable Things: Special Edition” by Synful Desire. Today we are pleased to host this cover reveal on her behalf.

Let’s talk about the scrumptious delicacy that is “Delectable Things: Special Edition” and why you should give it a bite:


You get THREE—that’s right, THREE—entire stories for the price of ONE.

Buy1Get2FREE (1)

Delectable Things: Special Edition” is a compilation of 2 Novelettes and 1 Short Story.

Disclaimer: This book is for ADULT audiences only.

Delectable Things

Simmer Sweet



Satisfy your appetite for spicy sensuality and provocative plots with these dishes of erotica.

Main Course: Delectable Things

Sabrina can’t believe her ears. The man she’s been fawning over for far too long now has completely turned on her, leaving her with nothing. Sabrina decides it’s time to get up and get away.

Taking a long over due trip far away from her bane, things steam up really quickly and Sabrina discovers all of the Delectable Things that life has to offer.

Dessert #1: Simmer Sweet

It is said that confession is good for the soul. Does it still ring true when circumstances are complicated? Kesha has finally come clean. She has let Teresa know about her feelings. The only drawback is Teresa’s engagement to Chris. Teresa is forced to make a choice between Chris and Kesha. The fallout will be nothing less than a fire of simmer sweet.

Dessert #2: Handy

Darbi has had her share of bad luck. She is unexpectedly in job purgatory and has no chance of ever getting a promotion. Her online dating profile sat months without any responses. Why should she continue?

As she signed on to delete everything entirely, three responses catch her eye. All are different but each has something about them which makes Darbi want to meet all three. Ade appears to be the guy next door. Boyde looks like a supermodel. Choise looks like the rugged type.

When all is not what it seems, Darbi has concluded that her love life is mating with her job status in purgatory. Will anything come in handy to turn her luck around?


Without further fuss, we would like to present you with the Cover of “Delectable Things: Special Edition” by Synful Desire.


Now Available for Pre-Order at!


“Girl, I can’t believe he did that shit!”
Sabrina was now on the phone with her friend, Rachel. This day was one of the worst days of her life. She couldn’t believe she had gotten fired and the behavior of Mr. Torrance. He was using his personal feelings to try and justify this decision. The thing that pissed her off the most was that Veronica had set out to ruin her.
“Yeah, I can’t believe it either. Especially Veronica. The bitch had me on tape! I couldn’t say shit to defend myself!”
“So Sabrina, what are you gonna do?”
“Find another job; what else?”
“I mean, do you have enough in your savings to cover the rent? I know the place you are in now is hella expensive.”
“I got enough back in my savings for another four months or so, but after that, I’m going to have to find a new place to live.”
“Well love, you can always move here.”
She and Rachel had talked about this before. Sabrina knew that Rachel had feelings that went beyond friendship. As much as she loved Rachel as a friend, she didn’t have feelings for Rachel that extended past that point. This was why she would usually reject Rachel’s offers for help.
However, her back was up against the wall.
She knew it wouldn’t take long before word got back to her father, if it hadn’t already. Her father would not be pleased, since he pulled some major strings for her to work at Joynt Enterprises. It would hurt her greatly if her father’s business got negatively impacted due to her fallout with Mr. Torrance. She didn’t know if she’d be able to face him or if she could live with her father, given the circumstances.


It’s Beth Hale’s Blog Tour!

Hello, readers! Please join me with a warm welcome to indie author Beth Hale! 

Take it away, Beth…


A Story Is Born…

One day last year, as I was sitting on my back patio, I watched as a neighbor and his wife exited their vehicle and began walking to their door. They were arguing loudly and I heard her say: “Shut up. Do you want everyone knowing our business?”

It made me think. I know everyone has secrets. We have those that we keep to ourselves and we have those that we share with friends. But what if you couldn’t share your secrets with anyone? What if you knew that, if you did, you would die? And what would happen if the person forcing you to keep your secret has secrets of his own?

With that in mind, along with some personal experience as a driving force in plotting it out, Magnolia Secrets was born.

Author Bio

Beth Hale writes about what she knows: strong, Southern women and the men who love them. She twines believable characters, realistic circumstances, and heart-felt emotions together to create sassy, sexy contemporary romances. She draws inspiration from the everyday life problems we all face and expands them into vivid, interesting, hard-to-put-down stories.

She learned the joys of reading from her mother, and her love affair with books has only grown stronger. If she isn’t breathing life into a new character, she is trying to make a dent in her large to-be-read pile.

Beth lives in a small town in Mississippi with her own real-life hero and two children. They share the house with a variety of pets. When she is not working her “day job” as an E-911 dispatcher, you can find her curled up on her couch, with a blanket, a cup of coffee, and a notebook.


Book Blurb

Walker and Lainey share one explosive night together, and he awakens to find her gone. Shrugging it off as just a glorious one-night stand, he accepts a new job in a new town, New Hope, Mississippi. That’s where he finds Lainey again. She just happens to be married to the Chief of Police—and Walker’s new boss.

Lainey is terrified that Walker will divulge their secret. If he does, Lainey is a dead woman. But despite the danger, she can’t forget the one passionate night she spent in Walker’s arms.

Walker demands answers from Lainey: What secret is she hiding? Why is she so afraid? And when people begin dying, he wants to get to the bottom of it. Why is the police chief trying to brush off the deaths? Why doesn’t he want Walker to work the cases? What kind of secrets is he hiding?

Drawn together, unable to deny their passion, they risk their lives. Lainey is trapped. Walker is determined to save her and uncover the truth. Can they expose the secrets before a ruthless man destroys any hope for a brighter future?

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