Monthly Archives: January 2020

The Messages From Metatron Tour and Giveaway!

Greetings, readers! Today I am hosting author Devi Nina Bingham on The Indie Spot! We are joining together with Silver Dagger Book Tours to promote the release of Messages From Metatron: A Course in Self-Transformation. Take it away, Nina. . .

10 Commandments for Meditation Practice

Here are my 10 Commandments for Meditation Practice:

Research shows the long-term benefits of meditation to be significant, even life-changing and positively mood altering. People prone to anger and depression are less likely to have meltdowns if they practice meditation, and stress levels are reduced. Though meditation techniques can be learned quickly, it’s no instant fix and requires discipline. But in a world of constant activity, even a little stillness goes a long way. Become mindful of the insight and hope within. 


To be successful, find a comfortable environment and stick with a routine. My office is transformed into a meditation alter each morning and evening. Meditation is a rejuvenating way to start my day, and a relaxing way to end my day, gearing me down for a peaceful night’s slumber. Try different times and places, then decide what is most effective for you. The key is consistency. 


No matter how good your intentions, some days won’t allow for commandment #1. A successful meditation practice includes the flexibility to occasionally adjust your schedule. If you have to skip your regular time, try not to miss it altogether. Instead, find a niche earlier or later in the day, even if you have to cut your time a little shorter. Skipping too many days is a slippery slope. Be flexible because perfection isn’t required.


We all begin with the best intentions but schedules can get in the way. Recruit a buddy, local or remote, who is interested in meditation and agree to “meditation check-ins.” A once- a- week email, instant message or even a 5-minute call can spell the difference between success and defeat. Monks and nuns meditate in groups for a reason!


Seasoned practitioners will tell you their practice evolved as they did, so know your methods will change over time. Don’t let conventions dictate your practice, it should be as unique as you are. Your meditation style is completely YOUR CALL because you’ve got to use a format that’s right for you. If you meditate best to music, chants, Guided Meditations or Hypnosis, give yourself permission to do it. If you’d rather be outside than in, find your groove under a tree (Buddha did that). If meditating in the dark with candles is your Gothic twist, draw the curtains and enjoy the show. If you’re an eye-open-type meditator, trust your eyes to find their meditative muse (maybe water, a tree, clouds or a field inspires peace). Whatever rituals and location you prefer, if it feels right-go with it. No apologies necessary, meditation should be guilt-free.


There’s a reason it’s called “practice.” Some days you’ll be in the zone and exhilarated and other days you’ll be bored or distracted. Remember, you’re practicing. Meditation is mind training and brains don’t change overnight. As you’re practicing, be excited for the big leaps forward but also acknowledge that tiny steps are forward movement, too. Rome wasn’t built in a day and patience is a virtue.


Contrary to popular belief, meditation isn’t about clearing or stilling your mind. It’s really about observing what your monkey mind is doing. The restless monkey is going to wander, get bored, complain that it’s sleepy and jump around. It may pick on you, and pick fights-all in your head! The goal of meditation is not to make the monkey sit and stay but to watch the monkey with detached awareness. When you catch the monkey at play, remind it gently to simmer down and observe as it begins to quiet. Concentrate anew on your breath, or on whatever focal point you’ve chosen (like the music, the candle, or the cloud). The point is, your mind will wander because that’s what monkeys do. Don’t be alarmed and but don’t give up, either. It happens to every monkey, even experienced ones.


Begin your meditation with a “body scan.” Your body will “talk to you” if you tune into it: Ask:

  1. Head-Is there any pain, tension or tightness?
  2. Neck and shoulders-Sit erect with arms still and palms facing up. Notice any tension stored in the shoulders and neck. Roll your head from side to side for maximum flexibility.
  3. Torso-Is my stomach in a knot? Am I sitting upright using my best posture, and is my stomach pulled in?
  4. Pelvis-Am I seated as comfortably as possible?
  5. Legs-Are they intertwined or in alignment with my upright spine?
  6. Arms and hands-Are my arms resting comfortably and are my fingers still?
  7. Feet-Are my feet planted firmly on the floor, grounding me to the earth? If sitting in the lotus position, are my feet free from tension and strain?

It’s easy to think you’re doing it wrong, or think someone else is doing it wrong, or the opposite-that their practice is superior to yours. Instead of criticizing yourself or someone else, be reminded that there is no magic way to meditate. Whatever works for you is the right way. If what you’re doing isn’t working be willing to adjust your approach, benefiting from someone else’s experience. This isn’t a race-you’re not competing with anybody. If you or a friend is making headway, have faith that in time you’ll become meditating superstars.


Breath work is the core foundation of meditation. Begin each session focused on breathing exercises. Place your full attention and awareness on your breath, shifting from the exterior world to your interior world where meditation really comes alive. Meditation is an exercise in re-focusing, and breath work is the fastest, most time-tested method of getting you to your goal of deep connectedness.


I saved the best commandment for the last. If you’re not having fun then something is wrong because meditation should not be stress-inducing or anxiety provoking. The goal is to alleviate stress-not add to it! If you go easy on yourself, applying patience and allowing yourself to be happy with the small gains, meditation should be a treat you’ll look forward to. Make your practice uniquely yours. Own it, and you’re more likely to stick with it. If you’re having a good time, odds are you are doing it right.


Messages From Metatron:
A Course in Self-Transformation
by Devi Nina Bingham
Genre: Non-Fiction
If you liked, “A Course In Miracles” you will love, “Messages From Metatron: A Course In Self-Transformation.” Readers are calling it “captivating” and “astounding.” This channeled masterpiece offers 30 messages from the highest Archangel, Metatron. It includes a Study Guide with questions and exercises for individuals or groups. Devi Nina Bingham has compiled an extraordinary program for self-transformation, assisting men and women in discovering their purpose, or “Life Chart.” In a series of irresistible dialogues, “Messages From Metatron” stretches the limits of what is known about the cosmos to the breaking point. An absorbing read that will convince you of the reality of angels!
Messages From Metatron is a curriculum for those seeking to achieve spiritual transformation. The underlying themes are that humanity is one, and you are an indispensable part of the Cosmic design. It consists of a text and a workbook for students and is created for individual or group use. It is a three-book curriculum teaching a non-denominational and universal spirituality. The language of the course is Christian in nature, yet includes channeled information on such fascinating and thought-provoking metaphysical subjects as:
*A Mother God
*Spirit Guides and Angels
*Transgender and Same-Sex
*Intuition & ESP
*The Multiverse, Parallel Universes and Holographic you
* The Oversoul
* The Akashic Record
* The Future.
The Workbook for Students includes 30 lessons that allow you to apply the messages to your life. Study a lesson per day to work through the Course in 1 month’s time! Or, absorb a lesson anytime you need to be reminded of the uplifting messages of love and peace.
This Course in Self-Transformation was channeled by Devi Nina Bingham, MS who describes the Course as “a method to change the world by changing yourself.” Nina earned an AA in Psychology, a BA in Applied Psychology, and completed her MS in Mental Health Counseling program. She is also a master-level Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Certified Sound Therapist using Tuning Fork Acupuncture.

Message 16-Soulmates

“Have you ever felt a strong attraction for someone, even when it was against your better judgement? Have you ever felt comfortable with someone instantaneously, as if you’ve known them forever? These are signs of a karmic tie. You can be tied, or strongly connected to another Soul, energetically; even many Souls in a single lifetime. It is what makes parting with these people extra painful. One part of you will always feel that it’s wrong to part, for your heart has already recorded your history together. The imprint of a Soulmate can cause a strong attraction that defies reason. You will not have just one or two Soulmates; you will have a multitude of Soulmates. And, the more the better, because they will help you learn lessons expediently and allow karma to be reduced quickly. While it may be a daunting proposition to meet more than one Soulmate in a single lifetime, you are blessed to meet them. Nothing works you through quite like a Soulmate.

The characteristics of a Soulmate are simple: you can recognize them because either they will be your teacher, or they will be your student. Lessons can be painful, or lessons can heal you, but Soulmates will reveal your true nature. They will be mirrors that force you to see who you really are. Soulmate relationships are often difficult, turbulent and intense. When they walk away or die, you are left holding the lesson they delivered; many times, they are transient relationships. You will be done assisting them when one of you moves on, whether through a relational breakup, divorce, or death. However it happens, it was supposed to happen as it did; there is freedom in knowing that. Don’t try and force a Soulmate to stay, for perhaps the other has given all their Soul agreed to give. Walk through life with an open hand. Be willing to let go, and in so doing, you set another free. Every exchange, including every tear and joy that your Soulmate caused was a gift to you. If you see relationships as a tool for your development, you’ll be grateful for the sunshine but also for the rain. Try not to be bitter. Remember-they have fulfilled their sacred contract with you, and you must honor that which is sacred between you. Soulmates come in the form of family, friends, or lovers. It’s easiest to sense a Soulmate in a lover because of the undeniable, magnetic pull you feel towards them. Your family members are Soulmates, especially parents and children. You may be asking: why did I pick people so challenging? When constructing your Life Chart, you contract with other Souls to “play a part” in each other’s lives. You even agree on the severity of the test or lesson. You may pick the most troublesome Soulmates as family members for the express purpose of expediting your Soul’s growth. For this reason, you may have a different temperament than family members and a different agenda.

Ah, the agenda…let’s discuss this crucial aspect of the Soulmate connection, because the agenda plays a pivotal role in karmic ties. Each of you has a set of characteristics that defines you called a personality. You also have a temperament, either outgoing or easy going. Your personality, or the way you express yourself in the world, can vary greatly from life to life. In one incarnation you may be an introverted female while in the next you are an extroverted male. The agenda I referred to are the events, or the fixed script that the Soul must follow during a lifetime. This script is written by your Soul for your Soul, with the cooperation of Soulmates, and is authorized and orchestrated by your Oversoul.

Once your agenda is approved on the Other Side, you carry this plan into your next incarnation, but the details of these relationships are up to you. Most day-to-day decisions aren’t written in the script, so you find yourself ad-libbing a lot. This is probably why you feel confused or frustrated, because nobody said figuring it out was going to be easy! This is where the Soulmate attraction becomes helpful. Because you have a karmic tie with a Soulmate, your Soul feels an instant recognition-you have discovered a special person. There’s that magic moment of: “There you are!”. You’ll experience feelings of immediate comfort, familiarity or attraction. This magnetic pull is the glue that will bond you until you complete your contract. Parting may seem wrong, unfair, or like you have unfinished business, because you do. One of you may feel the karma stronger than the other; one Soul may unconsciously “remember” past-life bonds, insisting that it shouldn’t end. Indeed, for them, the work between you feels urgently incomplete, unfinished. But you will see that Soul in another incarnation in a different form. It’s helpful to remember that Soulmates are a blessing, whether they have been pleasurable or painful, because they helped you learn something. Never think that a Soulmate was a waste of time, nothing could be farther from the truth. Together, you’ve ingeniously engineered it so that eventually, over many lifetimes, you will both come to terms with the ultimate lesson, for: “As above, so below” (Matthew 6: 9). At present, you may be suffering many unfinished situations, but no matter, for one fine day all will be well between you. Until then, remember to make your words tender (for in another lifetime you may have to eat them).

It can be difficult to give thanks for the most painful experiences you’ve had. Yet, the advanced Soul sees beyond the pain to the lesson learned. Give thanks, for every lesson taught you something valuable. When you look back, ask yourself: “What did I learn from this Soulmate, and, what did I teach this Soulmate?” There’s something to be learned from every person. Maybe you learned what not to do, or maybe you learned about the nature of evil. Maybe you learned how it feels to be a victim. Maybe you learned how to forgive. Maybe this Soulmate taught you to be what you said you’d never become. All of it-even the destruction will be used, collected like pieces of a puzzle, gathered back together on The Other Side for your betterment. You can’t possibly tell which Soulmate will be the most important. You might be surprised to find that the most horrific of them caused you to grow the most. The ones who taught you not to trust caused you to have to trust again, and the ones that caused you to close the door are the same ones who, in time, caused you to be strong enough to open that door. All Soulmates will come into your life when you need them, leaving you with a tremendous gift, sometimes painful, sometimes pleasant-but always essential for your Soul’s perfecting.”

LESSON 16-Learning From Soulmates

The characteristics of a Soulmate are simple: you can recognize them because they will either be your teacher, or they will be your student.”

It is said that in relationships we are either the teacher or the student. If you look closely at the significant relationships in your life, you’ll be able to see what role you played, though most people don’t assess and examine their relationships that closely. For example, it’s only when a couple enters counseling do they become aware of their patterns, the unconscious “intimacy dance” they do. Even friendships have long-standing dynamics and patterns. Usually, one person tends to be the leader and the other the follower. It’s important to become aware of the role you play, and if you don’t like that role, work to change the dynamics.

Soulmates will cause you to see your true nature. They will be a mirror which forces you to see who you really are.”

Soulmates can bring out the best in us, but they can also bring out the worst in us. We feel free to be ourselves around Soulmates, for they love and accept us as we are. But as the adage says: “Familiarity breeds contempt.” Often, we hurt those who love us most because we trust that they will never leave us. Soulmates draw to the surface that which needs to be improved within us. Like a mirror, we can look at how we treat them to judge how far we’ve come. Like Ram Dass said: “If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family.”

It can be difficult to give thanks for the most painful relationships you’ve had. And yet, the advanced Soul sees beyond the pain to the lesson learned.”

Life lessons are learned over time; maturity is a lifelong endeavor. We learn several ways: by getting enough information or education, but often we learn the hard way-when it hurts bad enough that we are forced to change. When life is painful, we must endeavor to find the lesson hidden within the circumstance. When something hurts, there’s something yet to be learned.

EXERCISE 16-Learning Life’s Lessons

List the significant people in your life, and beside each name, write whether you feel you are predominantly the teacher or the student. Write what you think you are teaching them, and/or what lessons they’ve been teaching you. Write down why you are grateful for them, or grateful for the lesson you learned.

Study Questions: Metatron says all Soulmates are important, even the painful ones, because they help us work through our karma quickly. What life lessons do you suspect you are working on? Discuss a life lesson you had to learn the hard way.


(Devi) Nina Bingham is an award-winning Author, Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Sound Therapist and life voyager. She strives to inspire conscious living and conscious dialogue. Nina earned an AA in Psychology, a BA in Applied Psychology, and completed her MS in Mental Health Counseling program. Nina lives with her dog and can be found paddling her kayak on Arizona lakes where he serves as the fearless captain.
Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Book Release – Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno

Greetings, one and all!

If you’ve been following along this past week and a half you probably already know that this is the day that everything has been leading to.

During day one we introduced you to the ingredient of Purpose. Adonis Mann brought up, “Express-Oh”.

Day two we took a look at Commitment via Carol Cassada’s contribution, “Not Always Like This”.

On day three it was all about Consequences; we delved deep into this ingredient via Harmony Kent’s story, “The Fireman”.

Day four examined Love with Beem Weeks’ tale, “The Complications of Fire”.

Day five was overtaken by the ingredient of Reinvention as told by C. Desert Rose’s story, “Calliope’s Inferno”.

Day six told us that Tenacity was an important ingredient no matter what the circumstance through Y. Correa’s, “Moxy”.

Day seven touched on how the ingredient of Risk can be as scolding as any through Synful Desire’s, “Antipode”.

Day eight cleverly showed how Conviction was as good ingredient as any to keep the fire roaring. Da’Kharta Rising showed us how in “The Chronicles of Aidan”.

And last but never-ever least, Queen of Spades indubitably demonstrated how Empathy is the most powerful of ingredients when maintaining our soul’s fire burning in, “The Calefaction of Insight”.

Now that the picture has become clear and Inferno’s stew is bubbling, come serve yourself us a bowl. Come get your copy of, “Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno”.



Ingredient 9 of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno! EMPATHY by Queen of Spades

Day 9 of the Concordant Vibrancy Blog Tour.  The final is author Queen of Spades.
The Kindling
The creation of my submission for Inferno stemmed from an unusual place. Unusual in that I was working on a different story for this project. While working on the original story, an event occurred that I concluded only took place in the thick of my poetry writing—I lost the frequency that the story coasted on.
In order to better understand this, I must give a glimpse between what my approach to writing poetry is like versus essays and story writing.
When I write poetry, it’s an unplanned thing. It’s uncaring of the time of day or what else I have going on. When the inspiration strikes, I have to get the words down right at the moment. Flow, meaning, and rhythm can get lost if I don’t complete the process right then and there.
Typically, with essays and story writing, I have an outline and set rhythm in my head. One that I can return to whenever I get ready. All I have to do is sit down and get the words down. I never had to worry about the algorithm going awry … until recently.
It’s comparable to a GPS malfunctioning when one is halfway at the destination. No matter how many times one re-calibrates the machine or how many time it recalculates, you’re stuck with nowhere to go.
On top of that, the area lacks WiFi and one’s cell phone has just two bars.
For the first time in my short story writing career, I declared the original story a no-go but didn’t have a backup on hand to take its place.
This was around mid-April. Mid May arrived. Still no spark to guide me to an answer to the theme question:
What are the ingredients to a sustainable blaze?
In late May, I went on a personal sabbatical to Ocean City, Maryland. Solo vacations serve to be inspirational as well as invigorating. I read a lot of Michelle Obama’s book Becoming. I did some personal journaling, awaiting the arrival of the short story muse.
He (I only call the short story muse He when I’m annoyed) was being ornery.
One June day—Juneteenth to be exact—an image formed in my mind. It was of a person sleeping on his back. The ceiling had a water spot. Condensation was forming.
I opened my word processing application and typed. It came out in present tense, one I had never dabbled in but felt right for what was developing.
Not too long after, a name. Keller.
Up until I finished the story, the working title was Keller. Another staple for me is to already have the title either near the beginning or in the middle.
Nothing about this was my signature.
After doing a preliminary read—immersing in the words as a reader not an author—I thought, “This is a pretty insightful work. Keller experienced varying degrees in his perception of himself and other people.”
Insight … Insight … Insight. That could work as part of the title. Keller’s Insight? It was better than Keller but I still believed there was something missing. I wasn’t accounting for the temperature of his thoughts nor the heat of them.
Hence The Calefaction of Insight.
The Accelerants
The Calefaction of Insight is told in present tense by the main character Keller with bits of independent narration interwoven. Keller is a man who struggles with his weight. He is part of a group whose goal is to encourage him to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
An initial accelerant is “Mr. Jack Off”. A disagreement between Keller and “Mr. Jack Off” is where Keller’s tale begins.
What starts off as an activity challenge blossoms into much more when Keller encounters a woman at the park he refers to as “Goddess”. His interactions with her bring forth positive changes that are noticeable to everyone.
These positive vibes are met with negative accelerants. Some are external forces while others are of his own manufacturing.
The Fuel Which Binds
Overall, The Calefaction of Insight is a mirror on modern day issues (fat acceptance vs. fat shaming, illness and the surrounding stigma, perception of self vs. perception of others) and an ongoing battle of the mind, heart, and spirit.
No matter where one is in life, the presence of empathy is the differential between keeping one’s flame going and having one’s fire dissolve into embers.

Ingredient 8 of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno! CONVICTION by Da’Kharta Rising

Day 8 of the Concordant Vibrancy Blog Tour.  Next up is author Da’Kharta Rising.
What’s good? The SASS here. I normally don’t get out of my cave but when I do it’s for a good reason. Also, when my publisher dictates I have to make an appearance.
However, I do like to talk about myself. Simply because I write pretty kick-ass stuff. Yes, it’s for a specific audience but it doesn’t make it any less killer.
Out of all the Concordant Vibrancy themes, this one spoke to me the loudest. Not because the title is “Inferno” but because it deals with fire. Fire is my favorite element, which you didn’t even know about me.
When it came to my response to the question, I originally concocted a literal perspective, dealing with a dragon and phoenix. Well, it wasn’t any dragon and phoenix. They were very entertaining characters, and the story was a mix of drama and humor, which would have been a big out-of-the-box leap for yours truly.
However, my main characters were getting off track and trying to steal my thunder. Therefore, a quarter of the way through, I abandoned those noisy, wayward animals. Not to say they won’t get their own independent spotlight a bit later, but they did not suit the succinctness I was going for.
You know me by now. I’m the type of writer that is like a strong drink. Little to no ice and no extra stuff to cut through the potency of the main integrant. Or for those who don’t drink alcohol, like a piece of lean meat. Little to no fat, although I think fat is yummy.
If you don’t like meat … um, then I’m all out of comparisons.
Let’s move this along, shall we?
Axing the idea so close to the deadly was a risky move but I was convinced that it would pay off.
See what I did there?
That is the thing about conviction. It is a powerful ingredient in the human existence. It acts as pliable clay, possessing the ability to warp perception and reality. The foundation and steadfastness of conviction marks humanity’s temperature. In my analysis, it is why there’s ease in starting an inferno but challenge in dousing the flames.
My contribution to the anthology, “The Chronicles of Aidan”, begins when Aidan starts speaking on the sad condition of the world to anyone who hears. Fearing that his opinions are signs of a mental break, Aidan is placed in a facility that’s supposed to tackle his ailment.
Dissatisfied with the bleakness of his surroundings, Aidan receives permission to decorate the walls by convincing the facility’s board and psychiatrist Dr. Deitrich that it aids in his therapy.
Through Aidan’s day to day, several events happen which makes one question the power of a mind’s conviction.
Find out more by reading “The Chronicles of Aidan”.


Ingredient 7 of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno! RISK by Synful Desire

Day 7 of the Concordant Vibrancy Blog Tour.  Next up is author Synful Desire.

Hello Awesome Visitors!


I am very glad you could join us on the Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno tour. It is an honor to be featured in a collection with such wonderful talents and that you have gotten a chance to learn about their craft and their stories in this anthology.



Please, if you have not already done so, take a gander at some of the authors which have come before me. You definitely will not regret it!


Today is my feature day and I’m ready to dish on all things risk in my story “Antipode”.
Awesome visitors, the first question you probably have is “Why?”. Why did I select Risk as the ingredient to sustain humanity’s blaze?
When one is in a holding pattern in life, sometimes it takes the unusual to light the fire in one’s belly.
This is my philosophy. Contentment and happiness are not necessarily the same animals. If they were, why are flickers of happiness so intense that they are blazes, but flickers of contentment are so calm that they are nothing more than candles, just to light the way to another path?
The focal point of “Antipode” is a man named Carsen Mulligan. He’s presented as an unassuming, kind man. A man who doesn’t require much to be content. A man who tries to keep the peace and eliminate or avoid conflict as much as possible.
All appears to be going well for him. He’s with a woman (Chelley Priestley) he’s head over heels with, in line to be his life partner. He’s in the running for a promotion at his job at Amphere Museum. He works at the museum with Morton Yang, who he’s been friends with since childhood.
What could possibly go wrong?
As “Antipode” demonstrates, every flipping thing.
An unsettling revelation comes about involving his love Chelley. This causes what should have been a joyous celebration into disappointment, as reflected in this segment:
Carsen was so fixated on Todd and Chelley that he hadn’t noticed the silence of the restaurant or the manager and two additional men surrounding him, ready to pounce at the first sign of trouble. On the outside, Carsen projected an eerie, almost admirable sense of calm in the wake of this betrayal. Inside, his spiritual temperature was dropping, as were bits of his heart.
Then, the promotion Carsen believes is a shoo-in falls through, with an extra insult to injury in regards to who received the job instead, as depicted in this exchange:
The intensity of Carsen’s emotions suffocated his calm. Agitated, he loosened his tie while rising from the opulent seating. Carsen was unsure which bothered him the most—the decimation of Mr. Deschand’s role in Amphere, the allusion to his romantic mourning somehow affecting his job performance, or the betrayal of Morton.
“Carsen, this doesn’t have to affect our friendship. I talked to Mr. Toler, and Falcourt Museum has an opening. They would love to have you onboard.”
Morton’s suggestion was met with wearing the remainder of Carsen’s fizzy drink. “Then you should have gone to Falcourt. Being the curator of Amphere was my dream and you knew it! You’re not only disloyal but a thief. My moral compass won’t permit me to be friends with either.”
These tribulations put Carsen on a path that catapults him to the verge of madness.
Just when Carsen is at his breaking point, Miles, his next-door neighbor, presents him with a solution that could turn his life around. All Carsen has to do is risk breaking from his comfort zone to try something different. Taking this chance morphs Carsen’s life in ways he never could have dreamed.


Find out if the fire of risk consumes Carsen in a positive or negative way by reading “Antipode” by yours truly.


Ingredient 6 of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno! TENACITY by Y. Correa

Day 6 of the Concordant Vibrancy Blog Tour.  Next up is author Y. Correa.
To describe “Moxy” is to say that it is a mesh of science fiction, comedy and fire. And if that wasn’t enough to explain the essence of the story, I could add “fun” to that description.
When I started writing for Inferno I had something entirely different in mind. Never did I plan on coming up with the impromptu story that eventually became “Moxy”.
As a matter of fact, the initial idea was to write a follow-up story to my contribution to “Concordant Vibrancy 3: Lustrate”, “Twin Planets”, which I’d left as a cliffhanger on purpose. But, as luck would have it, fate chose differently. It was a combination of things. At first I was having trouble figuring out how to continue “Twin Planets” and when I finally did, the story went completely array. Something that I didn’t notice until well into writing it. Of course, this stopped me dead in my tracks and the only other option would be to come up with another story altogether lest I have no contribution to a collection that I was a pivotal part of. How embarrassing would that be?
Hence, “Moxy” was born.
You see, the thing is that most people consider me to be some sort of grim and serious writer, but the fact of the matter is that I have a great sense of humor. So I dared myself to do a little something different. I dared myself to tell a worthwhile story about tenaciousness and continuity through a science fiction tale drenched in comedy.
The first character to pop his head up and say hello was Joe, the alien. At first glance, Joe is just a funny, interesting and witty character who sort of pops up out of nowhere, but we quickly learn that he is a major player in this story. Ultimately my favorite character of the story, Joe is the catalyst to Melissa’s self-discovery.
Melissa is a headstrong person with her own understanding of how the world works, and frankly, she had no interest in investing her emotions into a world that she thinks is shallow and unfair. Furthermore, life’s struggles have inadvertently taught Melissa that avoidance is sometimes the best policy. Joe comes to challenge her views in a way that Melissa would have never expected. Truthfully, in a way that no one could ever expect.
Taking Melissa on the trip of a lifetime, Joe teaches Melissa what it is to put forth a little effort, tenacity and, well, moxy.
Now, for your entertainment, let me share a small excerpt of “Moxy” my short story contribution to “Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno”.





The man continued waving as Melissa got closer. The luminosity practically blinding her, Melissa cupped her eyes trying her hardest to see better. The closer she got the more she could make out the man’s features. He was an older gentleman with a salt and pepper beard and dressed awkwardly. He wore tattered khaki cargo pants with an opened red and blue plaid shirt with a polka-dot t-shirt underneath, an aviator jacket and striped bomber hat. Most peculiar of all were the Gladiator style slip-on sandals and bright neon green fanny pack.
“There she is!” he said with a chuckle. “I thought that would catch your attention.”
Melissa’s mouth fell open in shock.
Snapping his fingers, the parabolic aluminized reflector lamp disappeared to which Melissa immediately took note and jumped in astonishment. As if by instinct, that light was replaced by the moonlight’s glow. Melissa looked at him, then looked at the floor where the lamp used to be, then back at the man.
“They say ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. Well, whoever ‘they’ are … they’ve never seen that look on your face. Ooph … if eyes could talk.” The jolly old guy chattered as he chuckled. “Alright. No time to waste, let’s get on with it.”
“Bu- bu- I- I mean- Whaaaat?” Melissa stammered still in unadulterated stupefaction.
“Come on, come on, come on, young lady. I just said we don’t have any time to waste. Time is money, or so the proverbial ‘they’ say.” Throwing his arm around Melissa’s shoulders, the old man coaxed her forward. “You’ve got some learning to do and I’m just the person to learn you something.”




Well, thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the baby snippet of the fun adventure that is “Moxy”. Until next time, y’all.

Ingredient 5 of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno! REINVENTION by C. Desert Rose

Day 5 of the Concordant Vibrancy Blog Tour.  Next up is author C. Desert Rose.
The Wagon Wheel Watusi …? But, WHY?

Let me ask …
Can we really dance to the beat of a new tune and in so doing find a new way of life?
What brings out the best in people if not the ability to overcome adversity and in the process discover the things that we had inside us all along?
Inner strength, I believe, comes from the opportunity to find that which is hidden inside and bring it to the surface for all to see. But I think I am getting ahead of myself.


First let me introduce you to Calliope.
Calliope is the everyday girl that we all know. The fun, funny, awkward, kind but not stupid girl next door. She is confident in somethings and a hot mess when it comes to other things. She is quirky, aloof, but loves who she loves. Calliope is you and me.
More than that, Calliope has a unique way of looking at the world. She sees it through the lens of Dante, the famous poet who wrote “Dante’s Inferno”. This is how Calliope assimilates the world, how she processes things, events, and more than anything, the people she loves. Her eternal besties.
After breaking up with her long-time boyfriend Calliope finds herself in that mental limbo that we all know very well. That place of, “What the hell am I going to do with myself now?”
Throwing caution to the wind in a moment of asinine misadventures—or so she believes—Calliope joins a dance class. This is something she regrets deeply after the fact but now it’s too late and, well … c’est la vie.
What Calliope doesn’t expect is the outcome of such a rash decision to be exactly what she needed all along.
“Calliope’s Inferno” brings you a fun cast of characters, an upbeat and down to earth story, and something that we can all relate to.
If the theme question is “What are the ingredients to a sustainable blaze?” I believe that Calliope answers that question in the form of a relatable and idiosyncratic tale that’ll keep you hooked.
Now, without wanting to ruin the story for you, I’ll leave you with a tidbit of an excerpt for your enjoyment.



It had been approximately six months since I’d broken up with Thomas Mason. Thomas and I had been together for three years. Those were the best and the worst three years of my life. Our union was the existential “vicious cycle”. We fought, we made up, we had makeup sex and we did it all over again the next day for three whole years.
Finally, I had enough.
I haven’t the faintest clue what our last fight was about but not even the makeup sex helped anymore. I felt empty. Like, I had nothing left to give. And so, deciding that throwing in the towel was more of a life saving factor then continuing to brawl, I said “enough”. I packed Thomas’ things, put them on the curb, changed the locks and left him in Fate’s deserving hands.
There was, however, a downfall to not having a poisonous relationship to occupy your time.
I was bored.
With nothing to do other than work and talking to the girls I opted to join dancing class. The dance of choice? The Wagon Wheel Watusi.
PS: Thank you, “Burlesque”. Oh, dear God.
The facepalm that inevitably followed was out of my control.
Dante, for the love of God, please help me out of this one.
Why that particular class appealed to me, I could not say. I think it was the combination of the image of Christina Aguilera at her finest along with the sound of the catchy name, if for no other reason.
Low and behold, I was caught off guard with a surprise that almost made me want to drop the class altogether. A couple of my classmates were none other than the Ricci twins. Stefania had regrown her luscious locks by now and Stefano had grown into a muscle-bound meathead.
“Oh my God, Cal! Look at you all grown up!” Stefania said as she swept her hair from her shoulders. The fake smile did little to divert my attention from her toned body and long legs. It only reminded me of how much I hated her.

Ingredient 4 of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno! LOVE by Beem Weeks

  Day 4 of the Concordant Vibrancy Blog Tour.  Next up is author . . . Me, Beem Weeks.
     It is such an honor to be invited to participate in this newest All Authors anthology. That I’ve been asked to contribute to three editions at this point truly humbles me. The topic of choice for Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno offers a myriad of possible directions. Inferno suggests fire. And fire, to me, presents a variety of representations. We know its warmth is vital for survival in those cold winter months—without it, we would freeze to death. Fire’s orange glow chases away the darkness, offering sight and comfort in the dead of night. But there’s a dangerous side as well. It takes just one stray spark to destroy a forest, to wreck a home, to snuff out life.
     In addition to that which I’ve mentioned above, fire also represents passion. This is the angle I decided to pursue in my contribution. But even the subject of passion isn’t a fixed item. We humans develop many and varied passions over the course of our lives. We nurture passion for a spouse or a mate. Passions form for a much-loved job or hobby. I’ve been quite passionate about the sports teams I’ve followed over my lifetime—both college and pro teams.
     Passion often ignites a deep focus in the individual stoking its fire. It’s a drive that will block out the world around us while we engage in that which has captured us. My story, entitled “The Complications of Fire,” tells the tale of a young woman who suddenly finds herself in a tug-of-war with a new passion that competes with a long-standing one. This leads to serious—and even deadly—consequences. We all face these conflicts at various junctures in our lives. Perhaps it’s an innocent flirtation with a co-worker that ignites into a blaze that destroys a marriage and rips apart a family. Maybe a friendly wager on opposing football teams weakens a long-standing friendship. Passion and fire are the very batteries that keep life moving forward; both carry positive and negative charges.
     The POV character in my story is a young woman named Judith Zot. Her lifelong passion is archery. And having been born into a traveling circus family, Judith has become quite famous across the country for her marksmanship. Even President Franklin D. Roosevelt himself is in awe of the woman’s prowess with a bow and arrow—he’s had her as his guest at the White House. So, what might stand a chance to wedge itself between Judith and her passion for archery? Well, that would be an age-old accelerant known as lust. When the bombing of Pearl Harbor pulls her young husband into battle, Judith finds herself attracted to another man recently hired by the circus. In a rare show of weakness, she gives in to this competing passion, allowing her focus to drift away from archery—if only for a moment. And that’s all it takes—a single, solitary moment. Life changes for everybody in the aftermath of the ensuing inferno. Nobody walks away unscathed.
     What I find to be a truly amazing aspect of the All Authors anthologies is a prompting of new stories from the authors involved. Give us a topic and see what we can do. As a writer, I enjoy these sorts of nudges. I find deep satisfaction in this challenge. Once again, I am truly grateful for the honor and privilege of contributing to another incredible volume in the Concordant Vibrancy series.

Ingredient 3 of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno! CONSEQUENCES by Harmony Kent

Day 3 of the Concordant Vibrancy Blog Tour.  Next up is author Harmony Kent.
Hi everyone. Harmony here. I’m getting so excited about the upcoming release of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno. Today, I’d like to tell you a little bit about the inspiration behind my short story contribution, The Fireman.
At just 10,000 words, it packs a lot in. This is a cautionary tale that unfolds backwards rather than forwards. I’d never written a timeline backwards before and wanted to challenge myself to achieve that. Additionally, the anthology theme of Fire/Passion and the theme question of “What are the ingredients to a sustainable blaze?” grabbed my imagination by the throat and held it hostage until I’d finished the story. The result was a gripping thriller and tragedy in classic cautionary tale style with a definite modern (or futuristic) twist, all told in reverse time order.
It also gave me much entertainment to change the definition of the three elements of fire, which in this story have become:
Fuel: Someone ready to combust
Heat: The desire that must be present for a catastrophic inferno to take place
Oxygen: An ill will that blows no one any good
And the tale grew from there.
In this fun bit of fiction, we meet a character who craves the very thing that will destroy him if he’s not careful. All of this lays alongside a future world where buildings float above one another due to a housing crisis and a ballooning population … which, of course, has great implications in the event of a catastrophe.
Imagine a blaze severe enough to cause a floating apartment block to come unmoored. Now, picture yourself trapped in that inferno. You’re faced with a choice: burn or jump—what would you do?
What if you found out that the fire had been set on purpose? And then who was responsible … what might you do then? Would you want to get even?
A few well-worn “morals to the story” thread their way throughout this short story, such as, “Don’t play with fire.” And, “Revenge bites the hand that wields it.”
While I wrote, I held a question in mind: Can we rebuild ourselves from the ashes? It is my hope that I’ve answered that question for The Fireman and his friends and co-workers.
Here’s an excerpt from the tale:
Not Quite The First Act
I’m locked in. Can’t get out. No matter how hard I slam myself against the obstacle, it won’t budge. It’s solid. Immovable. Impervious to my rants and raves and assaults. Meanwhile, the flames lick and lap greedily at the door. They call to me. They scare me. They draw me. They repel me. My erection bulges. I rub at it. The smoke, which curls at the window, looks beautiful. My breath comes in short gasps. Is it the thrill? The fear? The fast-failing oxygen? I can’t tell. It doesn’t matter; I can’t get out.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been trapped in a burning building. Likely, it won’t be my last. People will insist on playing with fire.
I’m a fireman by name and by nature. I couldn’t have found a better-suited job. I’m so fortunate.
In this wing, at least, I’m the sole survivor. Those who didn’t flee all perished. Not much I can do about that. My priority has to be me. I have a job to do. A job to finish. Until then, I can’t let go. I’m sure you understand.
Have you ever been fascinated by fire? I have. As a small child. Once upon a time, my mother set fire to a chip pan by accident. The whole house burned to the ground. We lost everything. Well, my brother and I did. Mum burned to a crisp, along with the curtains and furnishings. I’ll never forget the stench.
I suppose that’s why I became a vegetarian. Haven’t touched meat since. My brother survived, but it scarred him for life. He was a couple of years older than me, and it hit him hard. He spent the rest of his short life in an institution much like this one. That place burned down too, just like home. I always wondered whether he started it. Fire’s a funny thing, you see. It’s beautiful and comforting, but it also destroys. Talk about a two-edged sword.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading a little about The Fireman and Inferno today. Don’t forget, the book goes live on January 14th, 2020!
About Harmony Kent
After spending around thirteen years as an ordained Buddhist monk, living in a Zen Buddhist temple, and six years after a life-changing injury following a surgical error, Harmony Kent returned to the world at the tender age of forty.
Now, she is famous for her laughter, and has made quite the name for herself … she’s also, um, a writer … and fairly well known for that too. She’s even won a few awards. Harmony lives in rural Cornwall with her adorable husband, ever-present sense of humour, and quirky neighbours.
Harmony is passionate about supporting her fellow authors.
Universal Links
Harmony’s Books:
Twitter: @harmony_kent

Ingredient 2 of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno! COMMITMENT by Carol Cassada

Day 2 of the Concordant Vibrancy Blog Tour.  Next up is author Carol Cassada.
The first All Authors anthology I participated in was Concordant Vibrancy 3: Lustrate. When I was invited to participate in the fourth Concordant Vibrancy anthology, I was excited at the chance to work with everyone again.
As we gear up for the publication of Concordant Vibrancy 4: Inferno, I thought I’d share details about my story Not Always Like This.
The theme for this Inferno is elements that make a sustainable blaze.
When I think of a blaze, I think of passion. Of course when people hear the word passion, they immediately think of love and romance. But I also feel that passion can also signify commitment. Throughout life, we commit ourselves to various things. There’s commitment to family, to our significant others, our jobs, and making changes in our lives.
For the story, I wanted to write a romance story with the theme of commitment. I admit I had a bit of trouble with the writing. First off, I had two different stories planned, but didn’t know which to choose. When I finally made my choice and started writing the story, I decided to switch up the ending. I had some creative hiccups along the way, but I think the story turned out great.
Not Always Like This focuses on the relationship between Amanda and Daniel. The story starts out showing the couple as newlyweds. They’ve just gotten married and Daniel has landed a high-paying job. The couple is madly in love as they celebrate this new chapter in their lives.
The story then jumps ahead to 10 years to show how life has changed for Amanda and Daniel. The couple is working full-time jobs while also raising their two young children. Yet, there’s one problem. Distance is growing between Amanda and Daniel.
While Daniel is busy working and trying to provide for his family, Amanda is left to take care of the kids. Amanda notices the distance growing between them, while Daniel seems oblivious. When Amanda and Daniel finally address their issues, they have to make a decision on whether to save their marriage or if it’s time to call it quits.
With Amanda and Daniel’s story I wanted to show their commitment to the different aspects of their life. They’re dedicated to their jobs and their children, but you wonder how dedicated they are to their marriage.
One other thing I wanted to focus on in the story is what happens when we question our commitment to someone or something. At certain points in our life, I think we start to question the commitments we’ve made. We wonder if we’re doing the right thing, should we continue on this path, or is it time to make a change.
I won’t reveal too much more about Amanda and Daniel; you’ll have to wait to find out what happens. But I will say I enjoyed writing the story, and I’m excited for everyone to read this collection of work that All Authors has put together.