Category Archives: marketing

#MKTG 16 – Rafflecopter

Another marketing tool to consider!

Story Empire

Hello, SE’ers. It’s Jan again with another marketing tool to share with you.

I’m sure you’ve all participated in Rafflecopters, but have you ever created one?

Rafflecopter Logo

First, maybe I should explain what a Rafflecopter is, just in case you don’t know.

It is a contest and a super effective way to gain new followers, gather new email addresses for your newsletter, and increase your readership. All you have to do is be willing to give something away.

Image courtesy of Pixabay thehaladesign

When I decided to experiment with a Rafflecopter, my goal was to increase my BookBub and Goodreads following, blog subscribers, ask readers to add Jagged Feathers to their reading list, visit my Facebook Author page, follow me on Twitter, and sign up for my newsletter.

I chose to give away two $10 Amazon gift cards. You can offer free books or a…

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